


I am a comparative and critical ethnic studies scholar interested in the intersections between Ethnic Studies, cultural geography, and Indigenous studies. My research focuses on issues of race, space, art, and Indigenous geographies.

About my books


My book, Native Space: Geographic Strategies to Unsettle Settler Colonialism (OSU Press) illustrates the ways that Native people in North America sustain and create indigenous geographies in settler colonial nations.

My second book, A People’s Guide to PDX and Beyond (UC Press), highlights lesser known sites of social justice and oppression across the Portland area.

My Work


I also write on pedagogy, contemporary media, college cultural centers, and popular culture. In addition to academic writing, I have been a Public Voices fellow for The OpEd Project. I am currently a fellow for The Natural History Museum.

My writings appear in the Journal of Geography, American Indian Culture and Research Journal, Cartographica, Mobilities, Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies, Urban Geography, Diversity in Disney Films (MacFarland), AAG Review of Books,Teaching Race in the 21st Century (Palgrave/Springer), Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Nexus: Complicating Community and Centering the Self (Cognella), and Oregon Humanities. See my publications here

In addition to the latest book, I am currently finishing an article on teaching Ethnic Studies during study broad, and co-editing a collection on Indigenous cartographies.




Associate Professor, History of Art & Architecture, UC Santa Barbara
Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies, Oregon State University
Director, Difference, Power, & Oppression program
Editor, Ethnic Studies Review
Chair, OSU Press Editorial Board
Fellow, The Natural History Museum
Public Voices fellow, The OpEd Project
Advisor, Benton County Historical Society
Advisory Board, Environmental Arts & Humanities



PhD & MA, Ethnic Studies — UC San Diego
MA, American Indian Studies — UCLA
BA, Ethnic Studies & Philosophy — Sonoma State University


Get in touch

I am available for speaking engagements, collaborative projects, research, and interviews.

Looking forward to hearing from you.